Episode 1 / 10.25.2021
“Homosexuality, and Homophobia Within the Black Community”
This episode explores the basic explanation of what homosexuality is, and what course of actions occurred to push for more human rights. An example of this is the stonewall riots. Not only the push for more human rights, but for more teachings of LGBTQ+ sex education, history, and the upbringing of LGBTQ representation. Tune in to hear more about homosexuality in the black community, and Lil Nas X and his partner Boosie Badazz controversy.
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Episode 2 / 11.1.20201
“Discord Between Men and Women”
Boosie’s recent tweet towards Lil Nas X, and how he believes it’s okay to go on the internet and speak hate speech towards people who have caused him no harm. I dive right into speaking about heterosexual’s, heterophobia and what it really is because many people believe it’s an actual thing occurring in today’s time, when it’s not to a certain extent. The LGBTQ community only calls people out when they are blatantly hateful towards them. Other than LGBTQ+ issues, we dive into Sexism and how it affects everyone including men. I also discuss the rampant mistreat of women recently in the aspects of men harassing, killing, and physically abusing women over something as petty as rejection. I talk about Jada Pinkett Smith the woman who is married to Will Smith, the head of the Red Table talk show, the woman who is being flamed on Twitter for embarrassing her own husband not once but twice.
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Episode 3 / 11.8.2021
“Hardship in Relationships”
We have a new guest this time around Ashley, a college friend who I spend most of my time with talking wanted to be on my show. Trust me you guys are going to love her bubbly personality. She helped give insight about dating as a black woman. While I also talked about dating as a gay black man, and the complications of the gay community. Besides just gay men we talk about the denial of some women being biphobic of bisexual men because they believe they are most likely to cheat and so on. We speak about controversies surrounding transexuals and the Travis Scott concert.
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Episode 4 / 11.15.2021
“Children’s Mental Health, and Travis Scotts Concert”
We adults, teens, and children always find ourselves on social media drooling and craving drama. I mean, who doesn't? But the real question at stake is why and how does social media have such a tight grip on us? The first thing we do when we wake up is always grab our phone to see if we have any new messages. We surf Instagram to look at other models who most likely have their photos edited creating a false sense of perfection. Continuing on from just social media have an impact on our mental health I wanted to shed light on parents disciplining their children harshly and what effects it could have on your children in the future. Plus, we discuss if boys and girls should be raised the same, and Travis Scotts Concert aftermath.
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Episode 5 / 11.22.2021
“SUNY Old Westbury Resident Life and Assault”
Today we have a guest Named Tori who will be speaking about safety tools for women if any harm was to come their way. Tragically there have been rumors going around about a student being sexually assaulted on campus after police activity occurred on SUNY Old Westbury Campus, Woodland Dorms. I wanted to spread awareness of this alleged incident to tell everyone we need to look after one another even if we are strangers, especially the ladies on campus. Not only should it be SUNY Old Westbury women looking after one another, it should be outside in any public place for example another assault occurred on the Bronx Subway of a woman being attacked by a man after rejecting his advances Wednesday night, according to police. Plus, we talk about Kyle Ritten’s court case, what coming out means and why people do it?, and Zac Stacy's domestic abuse charges.
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Episode 6 / 11.29.2021
“Cancel Culture”
Things are boiling down to the end of my college semester, and things are getting rough for students especially after the outbreak of COVID. I came to a realization that the American education system is somewhat flawed in some aspects such as standardized testing, SAT and ACT exams. Yes, I know the American education system is one of the best, but I believe we could do better. Moving on from American education I wanted to reopen a conversation I had before with Ashley when it comes to abortions, and what it is. Including the Texas abortion law that screams patriarchy in today's society. We also discuss cancel culture and Dave Chapel's recent controversy.
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Episode 7 / 12.6.2021
“Society is Toxic”
Last, where we left off we were talking about cancel culture and how it’s ridiculous to cancel people based on opinions. Where do we really cross the line of canceling people? Who gets to say who can make jokes about who? Besides cancel culture, the total of school shootings in America is close to 300 because of the lack of, parenting, mental health awareness among students, and American gun culture laws. Tune in to hear more about school shootings and toxic relationships.
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Episode 8 / 12.13.2021
Coming to the end of the semester everyone is tired and drained from studying for finals. But as always every Monday I’m here to get your brain to start thinking. Going back to a previous topic about colorism I decided to get insight coming from Tori a beautiful dark skin woman and her opinions on it. “Colorism doesn't make any sense we’re all black at the end of the day,” she said. Tune in to hear more about a recent natural disaster that occurred this month in December, and rapper NBA Young Boy wearing makeup.
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