Even though the Unites States lost the war in Vietnam, there is still a sense of success based on the numerous social movements that occurred during this time. Richard R. Moser states, "From 1971 on, the veterans' movement became a leading force in the antiwar movement at home and in Vietnam." (The New Winter Soldiers, page 42) Moser also mentions, earlier in his writing, the different "urban rebellions" that took place around this same time period. The antiwar movement seems to be the foundation for many other groups to step up and fight for their own beliefs. It was a time where many people exercised their right of freedom of speech. During the antiwar movement, women, african americans, bisexuals and homosexuals, among others were fighting against the war and for equality.
The Weathermen Underground were a group of extremists who were against the war, but more so against the United States Government. Their idea was to show the people of America what our troops were doing over in Vietnam and their slogan was "Bring the War Home." The members of this group were considered at-home terrorists, because they were Americans terrorizing America.
"The Civil Rights movement made great changes in society in the 1960's. The movement began peacefully, with Martin Luther King and Stokely Carmichael leading sit-ins and peaceful protests, joined by whites and Jews. Malcolm X preached about Black Nationalism. The Black Panthers were formed and advocated "self-defense" against oppression." (Music Changes the World) The Black Panthers were also against the Vietnam War and worked with the Weather Underground in their Anti War Movement.