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Here are the nominees for Best Animation of 2018:
Amanda Brooks - "Human Animation"
Steven Rios - "Something Better"
Dan Deameller - "Bank Robbery"
Antonio Romano - "Alien"
Rocco Cazzetta - "Ocean Man"
Alyssa Strassburg - "Carry On"
Read the Complete List of Nominees for Every Category!
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Marcus Edwards is the winner of this year's poster competition for the MAC Awards. Share his poster using #OWMAC and come to the show on Wednesday May 2 to see all the winners of this year's competition.
Here are the seven finalists of the 2018 MAC awards poster competition. Which one is your favorite? #OWMAC
Ryan Cornelis:
Jennifer Cruz:
Marcus Edwards:
Janiece Lawrence:
Gail Meirovitch:
Zichao Rao:
Clayton Zoller: