Tickle Me Elmo used to be the toy of the year, now its an apple-geared project. Toy companies are starting to worry that toddlers are becoming addicted at an earlier age, and they are losing their number one target. Although there are mock phones, lap tops and keys children want the real thing and cannot be bothered with the toy version that you can buy on Toys r Us shelves.
Even though the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend any screen time before the age two, children are becoming more geared to the real thing.
In a New York Times article For toddlers, toy of choice is tech device: the reporter interviews one mother Yunice Kotake, who purchased a Dora cell phone for her twin daughters, and then returned it because her children didn't want the Dora phone, and wanted the real thing!
In a time where technology rules, your kids want to mock what they see through you and through the world around them.
As showed in the picture to the left, Tyler age two is wearing an Angry birds shirt which is an I pad app geared towards young children. The game, which can only be played through a touch screen device is so addicting, he played it till he fell asleep!
In a Indianapolis news article, Connected kids: Hunt says Mason, just shy of his second birthday, can can do pretty much anything with it. "It's quite incredible actually. This article interviews a group of woman with views on digital technology for children. While people like Hunt and Angie Mc New, a museum director " don't think it's too early to get toddlers involved in technology" . There are people that still believe the actual feel of the crayon, like Cathy Sutherland is best. Everyone is going to have an opinion, because when it comes down to it, technology is going to be there; we as parents or educators are going to be the ones who limit the time children spend on these devices and what kind of games, or educational applications they are being exposed too. Like everything else there is good, and there is bad is just depends on who you are!
In a new Zealand education review,Toddlers and technology; it shows how positively technology can be used in the classroom. Kidicorp, one of New Zealands early childcare centers where technology is linked into the curriculum called Whariki, states: "without being able to conclude what the world will look like in the years beyond, it is important that children are exposed to the variety of ways that communication is happening in the world, and are able to be actively supported or guided to explore opportunities and possibilities that engage their curiosity and over time develop those dispositions for life long learning".
In a CNN article,Toddlers and tech: are all screens created equal? parents, pediatricians debate over technology use among young children.
pediatricians: children under two should avoid screen time!! As stated in the NY times article, the screen is just not the TV anymore, these previous studies and statements are based on TV, leaving your child in front of the television.
But now, it's not mindless- its thought, and the question you need to ask your self is- what is enough for you and your family?? Because in a time where its hard to even take a shower and cook dinner some days, all this technology can help your child thrive when you cant be there beside them!
Connected kids: toddlers and technology gets the 411 on what people are saying on technology and their children. "Hunt says Mason, just shy of his second birthday, can do pretty much anything with it. "It's quite incredible actually." While at first impressed by his tech savvy, Hunt was also a little concerned. "Anytime it was out, he wanted to play with it." With technology at our finger tips, there has to be a question of what kind of exposure your child is going to receive, and like Hunt the major question is how much ? Another interviewer ; Angie Mc New a museum director says " I don't think it's too early to get toddlers involved in technology, many of the museums exhibits use technology, and although she is not located in NY, the Long Island Childrens Museum, in Garden City offers many educational interaction for toddlers and children as well.