Seems like no man is left behind when it comes to live stream television, but which one will conquer? There's no telling which service will win popular vote, but one things for sure, the end is near for cable TV. It's about time you cut the cord!
Let's take a took at how some of the up and coming live TV services differentiate.
YouTube TV There is no official release date but here is what they're working with.
- Live TV streaming from major channels such as FOX, NBC, ESPN and more sports. They even paired with local news channels, so you can catch the latest on your daily commute.
- Included in your subscription is a cloud DVR, where you can store episodes. Potential deal breaker? UNLIMITED STORAGE in the cloud. Say what!?
- YouTube "originals" are also included with you monthly subscription.
- YouTube TV will offer 6 accounts per service, which means each member of the family can stream on their own similar to Netflix.
- You can stream on three devices at once.
Total price= $35.00/month
As for Hulu's upcoming changes, let's compare.
Hulu has no set release date either, but their future looks promising. As for their name, the brand is sticking to simplicity. Nothing will change about Hulu's name, they are combining all they have to offer into one redesigned app.
- Wide content selection with channels such as Disney, CBS, and TimeWarner.
- Hulu Live also offers six accounts per service.
- Storage cloud available no storage limit has been announced.
- Hulu will offer alternate plans at different prices.
- Notifications! Hulu will send you personalized notifications based on your favorite shows.
- You can stream on two devices at once.
Total price= $39.99/month
Either way you go? NO contract, NO cancellation fee!