- Talal Ansari: Ansari is a reporter at Buzzfeed who specializes in "Crime and Justice, Opinion an Editorial". I look to Ansari's Twitter for inspiration because of his beat of crime and Justice. Crime and Justice interests me and it's clear to see that Ansari's follower's agree because of what he tweets. The Buzzfeed worker, tweets out shocking new articles that either he wrote or a fellow journalist wrote. These articles include, his investigation on how the FBI pressures Muslim immigrants into becoming informants, Daily News’s piece on a knife killing in Midtown with a racist twist, and The Guardian's report on ISIS. His page is strictly professional which I admire seeing as I created a separate Twitter account to do the same. Besides the links to articles, Ansari also tweets out snippets of news as well as his opinion on what's going on in the world. Ansari's Twitter page is clear cut and I admire that.
- Alanna Bennet: Bennet is a writer for Buzzfeed who laid out her Twitter in a completely different way. Bennet is more open, and communicative on her Twitter page, while the last two were strictly professional. And even though I would probably not want to do it, it's cool to see how someone can balance their Twitter to be both personal and professional. Bennet inspires me by having the perfect balance of fun while still keeping it in the business realm. A few examples of this is a tweet sent out 20h ago, "I relate deeply to my cat because al she wants is to curl up in a perfectly sized cardboard box and all I want is... Same" Bennet uses humor to break up the seriousness of her Twitter page, which I must admit can be very necessary after reading a hard-hitting story. Mixed in with the funny tweets, Bennet has posted an article which she has written for Buzzfeed named "How "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Became Immortal". This pop culture writer is definitely doing a good job at keeping her followers entertained while informing them.
Photo Credit: Screenshot from Alanna Bennett's Twitter
Caption: This hilarious Retweet shows how relatable Bennett is.
- Katie Baker: Baker is another Buzzfeed journalist who focus on crime and Justice. Baker is a senior reporter at this news outlet and much like Ansari, her Twitter page has a professional feel to it. She tweets out article links from Buzzfeed as well as numerous other news outlets, but unlike Ansari her feed does not stick to her beat. What I mean by that is Baker will tweet out stories that are unrelated to crime and Justice, for example a Donald Trump story. On March 15th, Baker retweeted out a Buzzfeed article written by a Miriam Elder, the title of the piece reads "How Donald Trump's Enemies Fell for a Bllion-Dollar Hoax". And while this article clearly is not in line with her line of business, I kind of like how she's giving her followers a variety of articles to read. Unfortunately, anything involving Trump is considered "big news" so to inform her followers about the latest scandal, is truly Admirable.
- Alison Caporimo: Caporimo is the Senior Lifestyle Editor at Buzzfeed publication. What drew me to Caporimo was a story who wrote titled "These Disney Princess Bikinis Will Make Your Dreams Come True," and I just had to click on it because Disney and princess and click bait. But the article, which is under the style section, was very interesting and amusing to me. I then looked up Caporimo on Twitter and no surprise, her page is as fun-loving as that article. I love to read and write articles about fashion, I have written numerous fashion articles for The Catalyst and I have read more than I would like to admit. Caporimo tweets out articles that either she was written such as her "9 Stunning Eid Outfits That'll Take Your Breath Away" which she retweeted from Ahmed Ali Akbar a fellow coworker. Caporimo also links a lot to her Instagram page, and like a good little follower I clicked to see where it would take me. Her Instagram page is a corky as her Twitter and I found myself smiling while scrolling though.
Caption: A model poses in her Rapunzel-inspired two-piece ensemble.
- Safiya Nygaard: Last but certainly not least, Nygaard is one of my favorite ex-Buzzfeed workers and I have been watching her "Lady Like" videos since I was a teenager. Nygaard no longer works at Buzzfeed, a recent change, but she will forever be one of my favorite Buzzfeed workers. Along with writing articles for Buzzfeed, Nygaard starred in the BuzzFeed Yellow Videos which are hilarious. The ex-Buzzfeed worker's Twitter is quite amusing to scrolling though, which is to be expected from a "Motion-Picture Staff". Her page consists of links to her personal YouTube page as well as funny pictures and GIFS. Basically her Twitter page is to showcase her comic side and attract people to her YouTube page.
Video Credit: Youtube.com
Caption: Safiya Nygaard in a Buzzfeed Yellow's Lady Like Video before leaving Buzzfeed. In this video Nygaard, along with her fellow Lady Like peers, try weird runway trends that have the everyday person scratching their head.