With so many people using social media platforms to obtain the latest news, journalists have embraced this new form of media. Journalists use social media handles such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. to check breaking news and to gain a wider audience. They also find it helpful in order to find new ideas, self-promote, and make connections with people all over. It's very important for journalists to stay connected with their audience. The Washington Post stated, "...nearly 80 percent said they regularly use social networking sites to stay on top of recent developments. But a full 73.1 percent specifically cited using social media to check in on what the competition is reporting on, and many other uses like finding ideas for stories and staying in touch with audiences were also quite popular."
Using social media can be tricky. It is always best to keep a story brief, localize it, and show imagery; people love to see pictures and videos! Social Times stated that using "more mobile friendly content" and "more original video" are trends that can aid in journalism. So it would be best as a journalist to follow the key trends that can enhance your own work and put you in the center of attention. Timing is another important factor when using social media. You have to catch your readers at a time when they are not busy or looking for something to do. BBC Academy states, "Timing: think about what your audience is doing; make sure your tweet chimes with their routines and doesn’t demand too much of them." Such small factors can have a great impact on how well your work can be and how you can engage with your audience.