Thailand is the only country in south-east Asia to have escaped colonial rule. The monarchy and the military have helped shape the society and politics, this is according to the BBC's world profiles BBC World Profile. Thailand although a democracy, their government is run by the military. Politician's whom do not like the stories media are covering they will use the military at their disposal to do their dirty work. Thailand is also the leading nation in the world for most HIV infected civilians, this is a major concern of the governments.
The Thai government censors its publics media content via internet. Country officials have ordered internet service providers to "block access to content deemed undesirable to the government or monarchy" this is according to the IB Times Thailand Internet Censorship. the sites effected include social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. The reason the Thai government claims for this censorship is to prevent foreign influence. Thailand although has a long history of censorship, its majeste laws strictly enforce direct control over broadcast and print media. It has began taking control over digital outlets.
The Thai military put out "nationally televised message yesterday that it was taking control of the government, in order for the country to return to normality quickly." Stating that the television networks are now limited to putting out information. This is according to reporters without borders Thailand Censorship. This leaves journalists in an outrage, “We are outraged by the way the military took control of the media with what now turns out to have been the aim of misleading the public and facilitating its coup d’état,” said Benjamin Ismaïl, the head of the Reporters Without Borders Asia-Pacific desk. The military claims that it's for the benefit of the country, censorship of the media will make them whole again as a nation. Seems a bit outlandish considering the government has the military making laws and having political influence. Thailand is a nation of false democratic principals.