Lunar New Year Gala, was an annual show that was aired on February 18 of this year. This show was aired on China Central Television Network. This show was watched by over 690 million people. During the show, there was a comedy skit that was mocking overweight unmarried women. This comedy skit led Chinese Activists to sign a petition to cancel the annual Lunar New Year Gala. Unfortunately the petition was blocked and stopped by the Chinese Government.
China's , media is the largest market in the world. For Television, it is available for 418million households. China Central Television (CCTV) is a television network that is run by the State Government. CCTV is one of the largest media companies in China. At the end of 2014, china received over 648million internet users.
Wilfred Chan from CNN states,
"One sketch depicted an overweight woman in her late-20s complaining about being unmarried. The punchline? Her brothers bring out a tall, slim female "goddess" to help their less attractive sister understand why she's still single".
This statement by Chan gives an explanation on how the Chinese Women were feeling that night. The overweight women were being compared to female goddess. Chinese Women felt disgraced and angered on the person that told this joke because they are being compared to a goddess that does not show any affection.
China's Central Television New Year's Gala is also known as the Spring Festival Gala. This show was aired on the eve of the Chinese New Year. When CCTV broadcasts this show live, the Gala gets over 700 million viewers.
Simon Denyer and Xu Yangjingjing from the Washington Post states,
"An online campaign protesting against discrimination in the television show quickly garnered 1,300 signatures being before blocked by censors".
This statement by Simon and Xu gives us an explanation that this discrimination was needed to be stop immediately. But the online censors spoiled the Chinese activists from getting this petition to go any further.
Simon and Xu also state,
"It was “certainly embarrassing” for the censors at the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, the paper said in an editorial Wednesday, while the discrimination in the show should put the nation ”to shame.”"
When Simon and Xu made this statement, the Chinese media realized that this Gala is ruining their reputation.
El Borromeo from states,
"However, the recent concern raised by this particular group has served as a reminder that the media should be sensitive in themes that touch the issue of gender equality".
El Borromeo clarifies that since this discrimination was happening to the overweight women, CCTV should of been more aware of what was happening. When the discrimination started, CCTV should of automatically cancel the Gala and replaced it with another show.