Vine is a mobile video sharing app. It allows its users to create and share six second videos. The videos loop continuously and are posted online. Vine is owned by Twitter. It can be used to show action and explain stories. Journalists use Vine to share videos of breaking news as it is happening.
This platform gives journalists the ability to put the story they are covering in a visual way. Vine is a combination of Instragram, Twitter and GIF. Since Vine is tied to Twitter journalists won't have to worry about building up a new following on Vine. Vine short video length of six seconds will get people to commit to watching the video.
Vine is a powerful tool for the practice and consumption of journalism. It will expand Twitter's capabilities as a broadcast network. This platform strengthens Twitter's position as being the first for news. It will equip journalists with an amazing new form of storytelling tool in digital form. Vine will help to put a face and voice to a name for journalists. It has already made a start. A Turkish journalist used Vine to record the aftermath of a suicide bombing outside the U.S. embassy.
Vine adds positive value to a story for journalists. Journalist using Vine are able to give readers lots of angles of one event. This will add perspective to the readers. Vine can be connected together in several short scenes. Vine can be used as great intros to set content for written stories.