Who needs Black Friday when you have Cyber Monday! For all the people that decided they did not want to stand on long lines or deal with being pushed by crazy shopper’s cyber Monday was a peaceful heaven.
But what stood out to me the most about Cyber Monday was the amount of media it received. Cyber Monday has only been in effect for a couple of years but people have really taken to it. More and more people are choosing to not take part in Black Friday festivities but instead to wait for the following Monday to enjoy sales while remaining in the comfort of their homes.
While many people like myself enjoyed shopping at home for Cyber Monday some people had no idea where to even begin to look for great online sales. What I did to figure out exactly what stores were having great sales was go on Youtube. Alot of people put up video blogs viewers what websites were giving the best deals.
I found these videos informal. They made my shopping experience easier because I knew the type of deals that were offered. So if the idea of shopping on Cyber Monday scares you check out some videos of your own.