For my New Media Newsroom class my professor recently introduced us to a new media platform called Storify. I bet you looked at the word Storify and wondered what exactly am I talking about. I know this because I did the same exact thing when he first mentioned the idea of Storify as a media platform to share information.
I felt like we already have Twitter, Facebook and Instagram what was going to make Storify a different platform to share media on. I wondered why I even needed to create an account and get involved with another website. In asking myself these questions I decided the only way to answer them is to get involved and see first hand what the idea behind storify really was.
Storify is a media platform that allows people to create visual stories. It allows you tie different elements together to create a stream of images that doesn’t require much text. In an article by titled "What is Storify and Why did They Raise $2m" it gives background information on what Storify is intended to do and also touches on the changes media professionals are hoping Storify will bring to the world of online journalism.
I bet your wondering what I mean by a stream of visual images. Well what I mean by that is it allows users to create stories based on a topic that they want to write about. For example I'm writing this post on the idea behind Storify so I figured why not use Storify to create visual imagery instead of writing paragraphs to introduce this media platform to you guys.