If searching Google.com was not enough for journalist and alike, Google has launched a website to better help journalist gather information. According to Marketingland.com, Google has stated this new site is a “Starting point to tap into Google’s suite of digital tools that can enhance news gathering and exposure across television, radio, print and online.”
Google is known for being a efficient way to search for anything and everything and they just made life easier for journalist and others that search for information a lot easier. According to Business 2 Community, This hub is a resource where reporters can access and learn to use a number of Google services and products, like Google Search, Google+, YouTube, Google Maps, etc. and learn how to use Google to enhance their reporting on topics ranging from political elections to humanitarian disasters and more.
Finding this new tool is very simple. For example, when we need to get somewhere we search for the trusty google maps. To do so we type in the search bar google.com/maps the same applies to this new Google tool, www.google.com/mediatools.
Google just keeps getting better and better with time. In a new media society we all feel that we are journalist and reporters but sometimes we don't always have our facts right and we have to search many different websites at once. That can be very time consuming but at this point it has been the best way. With Google Media Tools anybody can search any topic and find all the information they need in one spot. What is next Google?!