In this day and age many people are online using the Internet for all sorts of things like for shopping, social interactions, looking up the latest news around the world or just you know looking at pictures of cats. That a lot of the time, people use social networking sites to do these things and one trend for Americans that is being seen more on social network sites is americans talking about american politics. has reported that "A new survey released Thursday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project indicated that about 39 percent of Americans in this previous election participated in political activity on a SNS." The reason for new percent of use for the last election has a lot do with the fact that "Social media networking services like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others were heavily exploited by the Obama administration and by the former Republican challenger Mitt Romney."
That politicians or least their PR people notice that Americans are using social networking sites to talk American culture, it problems and politics.That politicians take advance of how fast they can get a statements out on a problem in America on the Internet than would if they use a news outlet. Also they are for reaching for a wider audience across America were it easier and faster to find campaign information on Internet than it is waiting for some politician's campaign Ad commercial to show up on TV. has reported that "A new survey released Thursday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project indicated that about 39 percent of Americans in this previous election participated in political activity on a SNS." The reason for new percent of use for the last election has a lot do with the fact that "Social media networking services like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others were heavily exploited by the Obama administration and by the former Republican challenger Mitt Romney."
That politicians or least their PR people notice that Americans are using social networking sites to talk American culture, it problems and politics.That politicians take advance of how fast they can get a statements out on a problem in America on the Internet than would if they use a news outlet. Also they are for reaching for a wider audience across America were it easier and faster to find campaign information on Internet than it is waiting for some politician's campaign Ad commercial to show up on TV.