Israel has been a big part of app creation worldwide. Many of these apps have been changing the lives of people. Recently there has been a string of new i-Apps that helps keep the lives of the Israeli citizens safe in this time of the war. One new app that emerged during Israel's time of crisis is the Color Red App.
The Times of Israel reports:
"The application, which is not an official warning system, is the brainchild of 13-year-old Beersheba resident Liron Bar. Bar provides constant reports on missile attack warnings, known as Color Red alerts, and rocket strikes in the south on his Facebook page as well."
This is just an all around great app for a Israeli people. The Color Red App gives the user time a warning whenever a missile is launched find a shelter. The app was created by 13 year old Liron Bar an Israeli teenager. The extra time the app provides could be the difference between life and death for the Israel citizens. The Israeli government suggest everyone should have this app on their mobile device. The next question is what do the people of Israel do after they are warned off a missile threat? The citizens of Israel uses the bomb shelter app. reports:
"The GPS-based app assists a citizen fleeing from rocket fire to locate the closest bomb shelter or secure area, providing the fastest route to it. Updates from the emergency authorities are also provided in real time. The app enables anyone to add information about available shelters which are not yet listed on the app."
This second app that locates the closest bomb shelter using the GPS in the mobile device. This simple idea again has the power to save many lives. During bomb threat times people tend to panic and get lost and confused with app guides people in the right direction to the closest shelter where they can be safe. There are many other apps that save lives in Israel these are just two of them. Apps are making the lives of many easier everyday and in this case the apps are saving the Israeli's people lives.