The most recent example of Google choosing when and what to censor had to do with an Anti-Islam video on Youtube. A very interesting article on the topic was posted on the Global Voices Advocacy web page b Jill York. The article titled, “In Censoring Anti-Islam Video, Did Google Do The Right Thing?” is very self explanatory to the topic of discussion.
According to the article written by Jill York, the video was made by an American Coptic Christian, with the purpose of inciting anger in Muslims. The video was aired on Egyptian television last week, and is said to have sparked protests outside the American Embassy in Cairo. These protests arose in several other countries including Afghanistan.
Afghanistan's governemnt along with several other countries blocked the video, but a concern arises when Google decides what countries are to be blocked from the viewing the video. Does Google have the right to censor a country from viewing a video, without a legal request? Google decided to block both Libya and Egypt from viewing the video along with several other countries. It is said that the White House had put pressure on Google to block the video, but ultimately the decision came from Google, not the governments of these countries. The video did not break any of Youtube's Terms of Service.
This is just one recent example of google choosing who to censor. A serious concern is raised about censorship, who has the power and is it taking away our liberties?
The digital revolution has put Google in a very powerful global position. Another article that discusses the Anti-Muslim video found on, makes several points about the role Google plays in global freedom of speech. The article called, Google’s restricting of anti-Muslim video shows role of Web firms as free-speech arbiters says,
“Both government and Google officials said the company made its own decision after the White House raised the issue of the video on Tuesday, the day that U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. Personal Pos “We reached out to YouTube to call the video to their attention and asked them to review whether it violates their terms of use,” National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said on Friday.”
Google truly has the power to decide what is seen globally. In the past Google had complied with Chinese government and censorship laws before it moved its headquarters to Hong Kong. You can view Nazi propaganda on but not on Google and US government officials have both said that freedom of speech is now in the hands of the web, mainly Google and Facebook.
Now Google has Terms of Service that they don’t always adhere to, and when violence and death result from a video that is streamed through their company it does raise concerns. I believe that Google has every right to block a video if it has a global effect of violence. Although the White House did request the video to be blocked, it was the choice of Google to do so.
For those of you living in the US, who wish to watch the video, it is still available on youtube. I do not wish to promote a hate video, so if you have a desire to watch it, go online and do the research to find it!