Cartoon Network's night-time television block, Adult Swim has recently called out to its fans by way of its Twitter account. The tweet in question pertains to a large and growing cult following of fans voicing a desire for the cable network to bring back Toonami, a programming block which ran from 1997 to 2008 and featured mainly Japanese anime styled action shows.
Adult Swim is encouraging its followers to tweet #BringBackToonami to show their support for the re-running (and possibly even re-packaging) of this programming block. This single tweet has already sparked large amounts of discussion on 4Chan's popular image board /b/, and has even warranted the creation of a thread on Reddit with over 600 replies so far.
It is still unsure whether Cartoon Network's idea for this tweet was sparked by growing fan interest, or if they are trying to mirror the recent success of Nickelodeon, which recently experienced a very large increase in ratings by re-running many of its canceled shows from the 90's.
If this endeavor becomes a commercial success for Cartoon Network, we may well begin to see a trend of growing fan interaction with larger companies. The rise of social media has changed the way we interact with each other, and now it seems to be changing the way consumers interact with producers.