Advertising is an expense that is a great investment. Advertising can produce results that range from good to unsuccessful. Ecommerce has changed advertising. Online consumers now have the options to view three screens television, computer and mobile screens. People have more ways to research and purchase products using Internet search engines, online video and audio, website technology.
According to the nytimes article There Is Nothing Easy About Advertising By JAY GOLTZ, The Internet connects country with country, culture with culture and allows for greater audiences. Online advertising has transformed the business to become more personalized. The Internet has become an even more critical part of how you present your company.
According to the BBC article Online advertising 'overtakes TV' E-mail campaigns, classified adverts, display ads and search marketing are all classed as online advertising. The internet allows access to consumer information which companies to customize their ads toward specific audiences, and even ads to cell phones and tablets. Online surfers can interact with ads in greater depth, and they can benefit directly from an ad’s personalized message. In a article named Technology is changing the adverstising business they dicusses the reason for succes of marketing digital ecommerce.
"The Internet has become more and more a part of the communications community in the past seven to eight years, more dramatically in the last three or four," remarks Richard Gillespie, president of Gillespie Advertising in Princeton, N.J. "The delivery of the message has been made easier. Rather than sending out junk mail and trying to gain a 1% to 2% response rate, the more I know about the person I’m communicating with, the more valuable I can make that information. Rather than my invading your space with generic messages, I can send you communications that have value to you. The power has moved from the deliverer of the message to its recipient."David Schmittlein a dean of the Wharton School and a professor of marketing.