American Idol is a competition to find a solo singing artist on a reality television show. Simon Fuller is the creator of the series, it is a spin-off of the British show, Pop Idol. The show Debut on June 11, 2002 as American Idol: The Search for a Superstar on the Fox network. The show has become extremely popular and is currently the #1 program in the Neilsen rating.
Britain's Got Talent is also a relative of the famous American Idol series. It is a British television show that airs on ITV. The performers compete against each other for audience support, by presenting there talent whether singing, dancing, comedians and variety acts. The Winners receive a cash prize of 100,000 pounds and a opportunity to preform in front of the Royal Family, including the Queen. The Finale of the Series peaked a astonishing 19.2 million viewers. Nearly one in three people in the whole country and a whopping 72 per cent of the available TV audience at the time. It was the highest rated TV Program for a full Five years and the fifth highest of the decade so far.
Survivor in the UK was broad casted by the ITV network. In 2001 it hit the screen in the United Kingdom, with huge promotion and hype from tabloid news. Even though the show was a hit in the United States, it didn't do as well with the ratings, it was considered a failure and only ran for two series before being axed. Despite initial media hype which surrounded the show, the debut show opened with 6.6 million viewers, which was considered as a disappointment for ITV.
WHo Wants to be a Millionaire is a game show which offers a maximum prize of $1,000,000 for correctly answering 15 multiple choice questions of increasing difficulty. The show is based on and follows the same basic format as the original version from the United Kingdom, and is now a part of a international franchise. The show initially drew up 30 millions viewers a day three times a week. This number was unheard of in modern network television. These shows have been a major influence on both cultures. The United States has been a powerhouse in global media and continues till this day.